Sunday, June 23, 2013

Almost Bruce Timm

Back here I told you about the young man named Zachi and the comic book he got published. I received my copy of Hero Up! a while back and I've been meaning to follow up on it with you.

I do have to say that I was disappointed that Hero Up! is not a comic book in the sense that I had been expecting. It does not feature any artwork with storytelling but rather is on the order of a Who's Who in the Zachi Universe, with full-page drawings of the characters and descriptions of their powers.

My disappointment dissipates when I remember that the purchase price goes to charity, and the homage-to-Bruce Timm artwork by Glen Mullaly is a great deal of fun to look at. Back here I told you how to get a copy of your own, and I do encourage you to do that.


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