Thursday, August 02, 2012

Nick Cardy Pants?

Nick Cardy drew some wonderful comics for us over the decades, didn't he? Maybe you'd like to take a look at some of his artwork over here, and I know you'll like to see his original covers to Aquaman #49 and From Beyond the Unknown #21 that I used to own.

Let's go on a little field trip together. Start at Robin's glove in the above image and go straight left to the edge of the cover. Do you see it? An N inside a C? That's Nick Cardy's artistic signature! (You might have a better chance of seeing it on the enlarged version over here.) I had to go on quite a fishing expedition to find that little "NC" because Mr. Cardy signed with it relatively infrequently. (If you know of a Cardy cover on which the NC symbol is more pronounced, please write in and tell me.)

There's a gentleman who lives in my neighborhood whom I regularly see once per week. We say a cordial hello because his daughter was a student of mine ten years ago. I'm not quite friendly enough with him to ask if I can photograph his pants, however. Why would I want to?

I have a drop or two of detective in my blood and I notice many, many details as I walk through my day. One occasion last fall when I saw this gentleman, I noticed that the logo on the back of his pants was an N inside a C. Just like a Nick Cardy symbol! (If you know what brand of pants it is that has such a logo, please write in and tell me. The image below is in the ballpark of a different city since it represents something called NailCraft.)

The gentleman I know was wearing his Nick Cardy pants again last week so I thought I would at long last tell you about them. I encourage you to visit the Nick Cardy website at


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