Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Half of an Avengers Comic?

 My favorite comics are from earlier decades, but I do keep up with the new releases. I am optimistic that I will find some series that are as great as ones from the Golden Age or Silver Age or Bronze Age. (Geoff Johns' run on Green Lantern around the time of Darkest Night was a perfect example of just such a new greatness.)

A few weeks ago the first issue of All-Out Avengers was released by Marvel and I tried it out. As I was reading it, I wondered why it seemed like I had jumped on to a story that had already been in progress. I double-checked the cover and saw that yes, it was truly the first issue of the title. So where was the first half of this story then?

My curiosity was answered when I read the editor's page. Tom Brevoort explained that when he was reading comics growing up and not every issue of a title showed up in the store where he bought comics. So he often came to a story that was already in progress since he had not read the previous issue that led into the new issue. All-Out Avengers is Mr. Brevoort's attempt at letting everyone revel in the confusion and befuddlement that he enjoyed in his younger days.



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