Sunday, August 28, 2022

1977 TCR Mailboat with Brian Hayes


I wrote a lot of letters way back when. And oh, what a mouth I had!

The Comic Reader was a beloved source of comics news throughout the 1970s and 1980s, and it was a treat every month when the latest issue arrived in the mailbox.

Dave Cockrum drew the above 1977 cover to TCR 145 to commemorate his passing of the X-Men artistry torch to the new kid, John Byrne.

 I think I recall that TCR Mailboat was an infrequent feature but there was a letters column in this particular issue. And it featured one letter to the editor. From me.

My letter is an interesting hodgepodge of items that were going on in the comics world 45 years ago, a fun snapshot of a bygone day. The image below is difficult to read so I will transcribe both my letter and editor Jerry Sinkovec's reply. (By way of explanation of the mentions of Vince Colletta, that gentleman was serving as DC's Art Director at the time.)

I have a number of comments and questions. Please bear with me. One: The past two TCR covers [Creeper, Power Man/Iron Fist] have been excellent while the accompanying back covers have been crummy. Two: I definitely disapprove of the three-column system. The cover reproductions are so small that you can't even see what's happening. I don't like it at all. Three: DC [and Vince Colletta] should be commended for letting relatively new artists [e.g., Marshall Rogers, Mike Nasser, Ed Davis] do covers. I have been very pleased with the results. Four: What's with this "Validarr" pseudonym for Rich Buckler? Five: Now that both Isis and Starfire have been shot down, what will Mike Vosburg be doing for DC? I Hope Vince Colletta doesn't let this talented guy slip through DC's fingers. Six: Why has Bob Wiacek's inking output dropped so drastically? Seven: Where is nestor Redondo? Eight: Where are SEXTET, SAVAGE WORLD, KING ARTHUR, etc.?

[It is nothing unusual for the comics field to have to have artists dropping out for awhile. They may cut back for the opportunity to do comercial work, or for any number of reasons. Wiacek and Vosburg are mentioned in this issue of TCR with new assignments. SEXTET and SAVAGE WORLD are Kanigher-Kubert projects that DC have decided not to publish. The KING ARTHUR book was shelved, partially finished, to give the artists in the Philippines time to work on other things. Rescheduling has been delayed because the DCers are no longer sure a book of that sort would sell.  Jerry]


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