Monday, February 18, 2013

Comic Book Men and Grant Morrison

Well, Comic Book Men returned last week with new episodes. They've changed the day and time that it is broadcast and their new schedule does not at all fit into my schedule. As often as I've written about the show you'd think they would have called to ask my opinion about a new time slot, but they didn't. I managed to catch the last possible replay and I'm here to tell you that my comments about Comic Book Men are the same as they were last seasn. Don't get me started.What I said over here applies perfectly well to the newest episode. Kevin Smith as the emcee of a televised comic book hootenanny seems to pander to the lowest common denominator.


Kevin Smith as a podcast interviewer is a whole different kettle of fish. I have listened to Part I of a freewheeling and uncensored interview with Grant Morrison and this is more to my liking. I suppose that Mr. Smith is worried that featuring on television a truly comics-centric talk with one of the best comic book writers might scare away whoever is watching and liking his insipid Comic Book Men, but I wish he had the will to uplift and inform his AMC audience rather than just milk it.

You can listen to the great Grant Morrison interview over here.


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